Leave it to the Japanese to create a whole market for huge handbag catalogs. I love getting these because its cool to see some of the trends that the Japanese love (trinkets, crazy accessories). I also love the fact that you can see everything in one place from the comfort of your own home.
The magazine is divided in sections by brand and each brand has their top 10 bestsellers. Here's the top ten Louis Vuitton bags.
There are also mini handbag books by brand. These are super compact and fun to look at. At a few bucks its totally worth it just for the novelty.
This mini book covers both Prada and Gucci.
I loved that the photos really captured the essence of Japanese fashion. The whole keychain and trinkets hanging from a handbag is pretty big. To me having these things jingle as I walk everywhere would annoy me. But hey, it looks cute!