Andrea of Making Things tagged me for the 5 Foodie Challenge. Thanks Andrea! This is a much needed kick in the butt to really start nailing down some goals for a healthier lifestyle in 2006. This may not work here in Austin, TX as I'm here for SXSW (I just had nachos at lunch), but I'll start when I get back home on Wed. ;)
1) Healthy Decisions
I am starting force myself to consider healthier ways of eating, even when ordering out at a restaurant. I tend to go for the lobster ravioli, rather than a healthier salmon or chicken. Especially for lunch as it's all too easy to get fries and a sandwich rather than having a healthy salad. Making my own food is key and I need to find more variety in my healthy recipes otherwise I get bored.
2) Limit Cheese
It's scary how much cheese and french bread at one sitting, especially if I have some good wine with it. This year of all years I need to cut back because I have to fit into a wedding dress.
3) Less Coffee
I stopped drinking coffee last spring and I realized my body adjusted and I found my own energy in the mornings. It was a great feeling. I substituted herbal tea or green tea which is rich with anti-oxidents. Somehow ever since the beginning of the year, coffee has creeped back up into my routine. I don't want to deprive myself of things (because that's not a healthy way to go), so I just want to make sure I don't make it a daily habit but more like a once a week (or hopefully less).
4) Healthy Breakfast
Sometimes I skip breakfast and other times its a carb filled mix of croissants, pain au chocolat, waffles or pancakes. So I am going to try to eat more fruit, yogurt and have a healthier breakfast. Basically more fruit.
5) Drink More Water
I am thirsty now just thinking about this.
I'm tagging Ms. Glaze my favorite foodie to give us her take on the challenge!