A couple months ago, I inquired to find out more about stylehive on their preview site. Now the site has finally just launched and I signed up today for an account. Wow. I am completely blown away. Turns out stylehive is a pretty fantastic social bookmarking site for the fashion and digital style crowd. Unlike del.icio.us, your links are all visual and you can browse all the latest in categories like fashion, gadgets, technology, shopping, home, shoes and a whole lot more. The blog is really great to find out about new goods in any category.
To test it out I decided to test out adding links and I started with Glam.com. The interface is easy to use but I forgot to tag the categories. FYI, I woke up at 4am to fly back home from Austin, TX. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but I ended up copying bookmarks since I couldn't find a way to delete bookmarks. (UPDATE JUST IN: Stephanie from stylehive just informed me that the edit/delete tool will be available in a couple weeks. yay!) So...right now unfortunately I'm the dork with three posts of the same thing. Ooopsy!! I'll be adding more stuff to my stylehive links soon (I've added it to my resources sidebar) so anyone can check out what cool goods I like on the scene. Sign up now!
My Stylehive: