I got tired of having stacks of magazines on the floor or slopping off my bookshelf so I got two of these handy Savannah Baskets ($29) for my bookcase. Two was my limit. I knew if I got more, my bookcase would start looking like Pier 1 Imports.
Our bookcase looks like this (kinda sorta), but is taller and not from PB. It spans our concrete wall with 4 bookshelves. And they are all full. So I have no idea how somebody would be wasting space with a big o' shell, starfishes in a big frame, and huge rocks on their prime bookshelf real estate. The fake leaves in the vase of sand at the top shelf is also a bad accident waiting to happen.
Anyway... I also got 2 smaller baskets that come with lids, for my craft/sewing area to hold all the little things I keep collecting (aka buying) more and more of. It's definitely much cleaner but now the little boxes are filled to the brim.
I'm very happy with the baskets but I need more ideas for storage (for knick-nacks)... and I'm thinking something in color next.