Finally, T-Mobile has announced the Sidekick 3. Getting the Sidekick was the only reason I stayed on T-Mobile's plan as I had a week to go for my contract to end earlier this year. I still have contract freedom these days but I chose to stay with T-Mobile because I seriously love using my Sidekick phone. What time does that next movie start? Just look it up on the the web browser on my Sidekick. Need to ask a quick question to a friend online? Check my Sidekick to see if they are on AIM. Where the hell am I going? Look it up the address on Yahoo maps via my Sidekick. In addition to instant access to email, this phone is truly my mini-computer when I'm out and about. Perfect text messenger.
I can't bear the thought of retiring my Juicy Couture Pink Sidekick just yet and I will never sell it (for those of you still asking). I have a whole clear organizer box full of cell phones, why stop now? I thinking about upgrading if only for the bluetooth functionality. Finally I can then sync up all my updated contacts and calendars with my phone. I love my friend Eric's review of the phone on Phone Scoop because he does a side by side comparison of the Sidekick 2 vs 3 so you can see up close how much thinner it is. But please can there be more colors besides silver? How about Cherry Red?