Bonjour mes amis! I'm so sorry I've been away most of the week. I got back from San Diego for the TNNA (National Needlearts Trade Show) late Monday night and have been sick all week so I've been limiting my time on the computer to just work. Plus it's been insane freezing weather here in California and let me say, southern california felt even colder! Today was really one of the first days I ventured outside having brunch at the Ferry Building and then catching an afternoon movie. For some reason, whenever I need to feel extra cozy a British period piece always does the trick and this movie, Miss Potter, based on the real life of children's book author Beatrix Potter, does not disappoint. I remembered loving her books as a child and wanting the whole set of miniature books. The Tales of Peter Rabbit were my favorite. The opening watercolor sequence is beautiful and it's also given me a big push to do one of my new years resolutions which is to start drawing and painting water colors again (as I haven't done it in 10 years). I still have all my pencils, paints and supplies, I've just been lazy and tired. But I just remembered how relaxed it made me feel and I did feel transformed into another world when I would draw or paint. Which is actually just how this movie makes me feel.
The story of Beatrix Potter shows how one woman rose above her time to end up creating a timeless set of children's' classics through her imagination, artistry, and storytelling. It's an inspiring piece. She was 32 at the time she worked on Peter Rabbit and to be unmarried back then AND want a career was unheard of. I loved watching every minute of the movie and taking in the English countryside landscape. The Lake District where her family had a summer home and where she eventually bought a farm was simply breathtaking. And of course, who can resist a bit of Ewan McGregor in there too. He even does a little bit of singing. I love when they go to the printer and you can see sheets of the illustrations being printed from all the plates.
I met director of this movie, Chris Noonan, the week before Christmas as he was the main guest on the TV show View from the Bay. (Here's a link to his video clip interview.)That's actually how I first heard about the movie in the first place. He was so humble and nice and I could see his passion for storytelling which really comes through in the movie. He said it took him 10 years from when he did the movie Babe until this one because he really wanted to find a good story. The attention to detail when you watch the movie is amazing and I love how Beatrix Potter's characters come to life with animation. The movie took 2 years to make with a 1 1/2 years in post-production. Renée Zellweger also did a fantastic job. Chris told us that she had to re-learn Beatrix's exact British accent because Beatrix was part of the upper class in the late 19th century England. Amazing! Miss Potter is the perfect winter movie to snuggle up to. The movie is in limited release, so find out where it's playing near you. It's definitely worth it.
Ok I promise I won't be gone long anymore. I'm feeling so much better and up to my regular weekday schedule on Coquette! Enjoy the weekend!