- Snazzy Snorkel Blue, regal Rococco Red & ultra-feminine Spring Crocus...Fashiontribes has the dish on the Top 10 colors from the recent Spring 2008 NYC Fashionweek.
- FabSugar dreams of London fashion week and wearing these cute Anthropologie Prim & Proper Wedges.
- Second City Style hit as many New York Fashion Week Shows to review as we possibly could. Here are the trends for Spring '08...fresh off the runways.
- Day 7 of Papierblog's fashion week diary looks at Milly, Nili Lotan, and Sylvia Heisel.
- Kristopher rocks hooker heels to Home Depot, and flirts like a Krissy to get what she wants.
- The Bag Snob is delighted by another Oscar de la Renta exotic, this time a Python doctor bag that is fit for a snob worthy collection.
- Where is Fashion Week located? At 55 Secret Street of course!
- Shop like a rockstar with Stiletto Jungle's list of links to where you can buy goodies from the official MTV Video Music Awards talent Swag Bag.
- Bag Bliss reveals that the Celine (Song Hye Kyo) “Miss Song” Bag is coming to America!
- My Fashion Life interviews Dawn Bebe, founder of OSOYOU.com, the latest social networking site for fashionistas.
- Celebrity Styleaholic Najwa Moses gives NPR and YOU a sneak peak of Spring 2008 LOOKS live from NYC Fashion Week!
- Finding an affordable boot that's chic, comfortable and affordable sounds like a tall order. StyleBakery.com searched the Web to find the hottest boots made for walkin’ - all for less than $200.
- Tyra Banks sets up a runway in a bus station! Stylehive was there to give you a sneak peek with a video of the show!
- It's not often you can find quality cooper jewelry, but The Jewelry Weblog spotted some way cool cooper earrings over at City Details.
- Beauty Snob discovers Decleor Vitaroma Body Cream will make your stretch marks disappear, seriously!
- eBeautyDaily begins tackling her biggest beauty foe - her weight.