If you noticed Coquette's been very light this week, so here's the reason why. I'm flying to NY to go on the CBS Early Show on Saturday! I'm showing "Last Minute Halloween Costumes for Kids" and my segment is at 7:45am. (Yes eaaarly people!) If your still recovering from your Halloween party friday night, set your DVR or catch it later online at the Early Show site. We'll be featuring 5 costumes you can make from supplies you can grab from around your house or the nearby craft store. The how-to's for the project will be up on Craftzine.com on Saturday morning and we'll have the link off the homepage, so you'll be able to find it easily. Jenny Ryan's also coming along as we try our hand at being stylists for the kids eaaarly in the morning. Did I say early? Wish us luck!
I'm so happy to feature the amazing work of our CRAFT Magazine contributors: Diana Eng, Cathy Callahan, Susan Beal, and Nancy Flynn. I can't wait to show you all the cute costumes you can really make in a matter of hours. Tune in or check back on Craftzine on Saturday!