Chanel is the first major luxury fashion brand to have it's own iPhone app! I downloaded it recently and started to play with it. The app gives you the most recent fashion show video, in this case Chanel's Haute Couture show, as well as tons of photos and up to date news. I second tech blogger Justin Marshall's opinion about it all, this baby is very functional and totally on brand. It's fun to scroll through all the beautiful pictures that flow like perfect compact eye candy! Just imagine, waiting for the subway or at the doctor's office will never be the same.
And that's just the start of it all. According to the NY Times, later this week wil be launching an iPhone application just in time for NY Fashion week where videos of the runway shows will be posted up just hours after the show.
To get these applications, you don't need the latest iPhone 3G phone. Just make sure your iPhone has the latest OS software. Just go to the App Store on your iPhone and search for these fashion gems by name or under the Lifestyle category.