Last Thursday, my friend Alice of futuregirl (Twitter @futuregirlcraft) and I had a lovely lunch sitting outside enjoying the sun in Belden Lane. As we were eating, I noticed that Alice's bun was held up by a little stick – in this case a child's chopstick.
I have always been envious going up over girls in school who could tie their hair up in a snap with a mere pencil. So, in true DIY form, I had Alice show me how she created her hair bun with a stick and I am happy to share with all of you this easy tutorial.
DIY Hair Bun with a Stick Tutorial
Step 1: First gather your hair together as if you are going to make a ponytail.
Step 2: Next, twist the long part of the hair around to create a bun.
Step 3: Continue to twist hair around.
Step 4: When all of your hair is twisted around into a bun, tuck in the ends.
Step 5: The small stick or chopstick will be weaved into your hair to keep it all in place. It will be two "down and up" motions to lock the hair in securely. To start, insert small stick (or children's chopstick) into the top of the bun by pointing down, catching some of the hair.
Step 6: As you continue to insert the stick, point the stick upward to catch more hair. Repeat the down/up motion one more time.
Step 7: Insert the stick fully through the bun to secure it in place.
Now you have an instant chic hair bun with a stick!
Side view of bun.
Here's Alice looking chic and keeping cool with her hair up! If you like to knit, visit