Over the last few months I found myself getting tired of scattered pieces of paper filled with tiny notes of things I had to do. Since I don't work anymore, I am not online all day. Besides, I always found I accomplished items by writing them down and checking them off the list. While cleaning my home office, I found my Russell+Hazel Mini Pattern Binder in black and white. ($12.27 on Amazon.) I love the beauty of Russell+Hazel products! I kinda forgot about this fantastic binder and started to use that as my personal file system to manage ideas, projects, and lists that were always floating in my head over the last three weeks. The binder I have is about two and a half years old and it's in excellent quality! I got mine in this pretty black and white pattern. (Only $12.27 on Amazon.) The binders also come in solid colors and more patterned binders. I love their smaller size at 7 x 9". These mini binders aren't too big to feel like a "work" binder or too small that you can barely write a sentence in them either.
The colorful dividers, pocket papers and notepaper make it a joy to open up and write down my ideas and projects. I also got a large soft cover Moleskine 2012 12 Month Weekly Notebook that fits inside the binder. It is easy and lighter for me to throw that into my handbag and tote around, but I could also tote around this whole binder system too if I wanted. I don't really need a calendar for appointments as I usually use my computer and iPhone for that. For me, it's an easy way to know by week what tasks I need to accomplish whether it's finishing up an interview for Coquette or simply reminding myself to call the plumber. I love this agenda style because it is a calendar/notebook hybrid that works for me. I wanted a soft cover since I am putting it in my binder too but you can also get this cute large red one
with a hard cover.
The interior front and back covers of the binder are dry erase so you can make quick notes if you happen to also have a dry erase marker. I haven't tried this yet myself but it seems like a cool feature!
I just picked up a clear zip pouch this morning at Office depot so I can store pens and little things inside if I need to.
Here are some must have elements if you'd like to get organized with Russell+Hazel's mini binder system. (Amazon has the best prices!)
Russell+Hazel Mini 5-Tab Dividers ($12.49) and Russell+Hazel Mini Paper Pockets - 5 pack
Russell+Hazel Mini Lime Spine Filler Paper ($9.99) and Russell+Hazel Mini Grid Paper
You can also turn the binder into an agenda with their Mini SmartDate 2012 Month Tabs($18) and fill it with either the mini-sized weekly or daily planner sheets ($12 each).