I had an amazing crochet lunch today with my crafty friends: Lorraine and Guinevere from Chronicle Books, as well as our crochet expert Dolin "Crochet" O'Shea from Lulu Bliss. Our inspiration was this new book, So Pretty! Crochet by Amy Palanjian and the crochet ring necklace (pictured below). I had never crocheted with embroidery thread over rings before so this was a fun new technique to try. It was also fun to see newbie crocheters like Guinevere and Lorraine learn the stitches and get excited as they finished a crocheted circle.
Here are Instagram photos from us this afternoon. Just seeing them again makes me feel all cozy.
This project was by Victoria of Lavenderfield and you can see a closer view of the necklace above and more beautiful crochet jewelry by Victoria on Amy Palanjian's blog.
I like that I can stash these little plastic circles, embroidery thread, and crochet hook in my bag and crochet a little circle to add to a stash that will eventually turn into this necklace. it's a great gift to make for friends too.