A few weeks ago, I had the chance to visit the new Saje Natural Wellness Boutique in San Francisco (1913 Fillmore Street). This Canadian brand has made its way to the U.S. with San Francisco as it's first Bay Area boutique. (Soon, it will open in Corte Madera too.) The airy, open and beautiful store had my mind racing to see which section I would check out first. I headed to the natural oil section first to see what was there. As an allergy sufferer, especially this spring, I was introduced to their natural soothing oil blend, Inhale that helps with allergies and clearing sinuses. I am not a big aromatherapy person and I'm pretty sensitive to smells but everything inside Saje smelled wonderful. No scent was too strong or irritating. That was the first surprise to me. In fact, the inhale oil is something that I use now often to help with my sinus. It really works!

They sell ultrasonic diffusers in a variety of colors and designs that work with their diffuser blends.

I also loved their natural soy wax candles made with 100% cotton, lead-free, bleach-free and chemical free.

All of the sales associates inside the boutique are really helpful. Just let them know what you are interested in to make you feel better whether it's lack of sleep, stress, pain, etc. The founder of the company, husband and wife team, Jean-Pierre and Kate LeBlanc wanted a natural way to ease Jean-Pierre's chronic pain after a serious car accident. Jean-Pierre used his chemistry background to create natural plant-based formulas for wellness. There is so much healing power in plants! Some of his blends have earned National Heath Registration numbers from Health Canada (which means the Canadian government supports their products' beneficial health claims). I am so glad that we have Saje now in SF! I am always looking to bring in more natural products into my daily life and using their products has been really great. If you aren't in the Bay Area, don't worry. You can purchase Saje products from their website saje.com.

Saje was nice to let me pick a few items of theirs to try out and review. Here are some of the products that I am loving from Saje:

Inhale Soothing Oil Blend for Deep Breath ($22.95)
The oil comes in a handy rollerball which you can easily roll on your face. Roll it below your eyes and sinus area on your forehead. Once I have done that I tap all around the area to let the oil set into my skin. (There is a how-to video on the product page.) The result? My sinus congestion melts away and I can breathe again!

Konjac Kare Green Tea ($9.95)
I love this 100% natural vegetable fiber sponge enriched with green tea extract. It protects your skin from damaging environmental influences and helps prevent dehydration. The sponge is hard to being with so make sure you soak the sponge in warm water for a few minutes to get it all soft. Then add your cleanser to the sponge and with a circular motion massage your face. You can use the edges to really cleanse nose area well. (You can also use just wet without a cleanser too.) The result for me is extra soft skin. After cleansing, I rinse out the sponge and squeeze out the excess water. I hang the string so it can dry on my bathtub faucet. You can also place it inside it's case which has openings on the top and bottom, but I find it dries faster while hanging. I have been using this everyday for my nightly cleansing routine for the last few weeks. Since I have been doing this, I have not had any breakouts during my last period cycle. Saje also sells a few other kinds of vegetable cleansing sponges so you can choose one that's best for you.

Skin So Clean Mildly Exfoliating Facial Cleanser ($22.95)
This exfoliating cleanser is so soft on the skin. The tiny beads are not coarse, they are really, super soft and working this into your skin feels really good. The cleanser uses the gentle exfoliating effects of oats and rice with Neroli to let skin regenerate and Ylang Ylang to comfort and soothe skin. I use this twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. Again, since I have been using this I have had no breakouts in my last period cycle. I feel like all my pores are really clean.

Cellucleanse Cleansing Bath Salt Soak ($24.95 or 21.9 oz, or $8.95 for 4.2 oz)
Ok can I just say that the Saje bath salts are pure heaven?! The Cellucleanse is made with purifying Himalayan pink salts along with essential oils. The key to the benefits of the salts is to not add them into your bath until you are about ready to get in. Otherwise, the essential oils will dissipate once they hit the hot water. One you slip in the bathtub - pure heaven! Bath salts are a great way to relieve stress and toxins in your body. Just remember to drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins.
Goddess Euphoric Bath Salt Soak ($24.95 or 21.9 oz, or on sale for $6.95 for 4.2 oz)
The Goddess scent is one of my favorites from Saje. It comes in many different forms from these bath salts to natural perfume. It's a sweet floral blend of Jasmineylang Ylang, Ylang Ylang and Rose. Very soft and feminine. I like this as a end of week Sunday night bath as a ritual for myself before the crazy week starts again. When I head back to the boutique, I'm going to pick up the natural perfume Goddess. It's a rollerball perfume with a gemstone rose quartz rollerball so you also get some energy work from the crystal. (Each fragrance has their own gemstone rollerball.)

Coco Lips Lip Balm ($4.95)
I'm a lip balm addict! I love this soothing natural lip balm made with coconut, shea, and cocoa. There are a few other flavors of Saje lip balms.

Liquid Sunshine Zesty Foaming Hand Soap ($9.95)
I made a move recently to do away with commercial hand soap and use only natural or organic liquid soaps for my family. This Saje hand soap in the scent Liquid Sunshine is a fresh, citrus scent that wakes up your senses. My 8 year old loves it and it promotes her to wash her hands more often because she loves the smell.
If you are looking for new things to try, take a look at Kate's Favs. Her picks change each month and they display them in store also. That is how I discovered the hand soap!
Shop Saje Natural Wellness at saje.com or visit their boutique at 1913 Fillmore Street, San Francisco.
Review products provided by Saje